Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lord Keep Reminding Me Who My Neighbor Is

We can't be willing participants in stiring the chaos pot. 

We need, no the world needs us to keep our heads amongst this mess. We need to pray like never before not only for the world but our neighbors because whether we admit it or not, they are having real problems we know nothing about.

Step up church, people are watching us and they live closer than we realize.

God Bless.

Serving God means serving one’s neighbor.  

This proverb illustrates some of the ways we show that love of neighbor.  We live in a world where having good neighbors helps keep us and our households safe.  If a fire breaks out or a thief tries to break in, it is our neighbors that we depend on as they depend on us for help.  When I was a child, it was common for a neighbor to borrow a cup of milk or a couple of eggs.  I am fortunate to still have a neighbor I can go to when I need something and she can do the same to me.  However, I am well aware that there are areas where people don’t know their neighbors and sometimes feel threatened by them.  I have lived most of my life in neighborhoods that were of mixed races and mixed religions.  There were people who were well educated and people who worked in factories or on their own as electricians or construction workers.  

Living in this diversity helps us realize how much we are all alike.  In one place where I lived, one of the home owners intensely disliked his next door neighbor.  If there was anything he could do to upset him, including calling the police when he thought he was trespassing, he did it.  This caused a lot of problems within the neighborhood.  We had a block party every year before Christmas, but this feud prevented some of the neighbors from attending.  If we love our neighbor as ourselves, we will live in peace and harmony with each other.  If we strive against one another, we will have chaos. Our choice!

-Author Unknown 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Quote Of The Day - Don't Receive

So good and so pertinent for today. 

Be and God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Don’t receive condemnation when you have setbacks or bad days. Just get back up, dust yourself off, and start again.” 

-Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

Joyce Meyer Books

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


With the mass chaos going on, we need people more than ever if those people in charge say otherwise.

God did not make us to live alone or be alone. We are meant to be apart of something. It is up to us to decide what that is. 

But in the end, its all about making a community that is God minded and is striving to live in the will of God.

Only you can prevent community from striving to make a difference to those in need. 

God Bless.

Community: God’s Answer to Defeat

Who’s watching out for you?

You need people who will defend you, stand up for you and protect you, help you stay on track, and warn you. We all need this, because we all have blind spots.

Philippians 2:4 says, “Look out for one another’s interest, not just your own” (TEV). If you want a counter-culture verse, that’s it! In America, the general idea is it’s all about “me” — my needs, my interests, my wants, and my ambitions.

But the Bible says we should care about each other. We’re family! As brothers and sisters in God’s family, we should defend each other and help each other stay on track.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, we’ve all been more vigilant in watching out for each other. But did you know that you have an enemy far more destructive than terrorists? Oh, yes! You have a personal enemy, and he hates your guts. His name is Satan. He wants to mess up your life. He wants to ruin your relationships. He wants to defeat you.

Why would he do that? Because he can’t hurt God. When you can’t hurt somebody, what do you do? You go after their children. Satan can’t hurt God, so he tries to hurt God’s children.

When Satan attacks you, he doesn’t come in a little red costume with a pitchfork and say, “Boo!” How does Satan mess up your life? Through habits you can’t break, through hurts that you won’t let go of, through problems and circumstances, through relationships that break your heart.

Most Christians are defeated, because we try to fight Satan on our own. That’s stupid! You’re never going to win against the devil on your own. You need other people who will watch out for you and help you.

Community is God’s answer to defeat. You need to find the people who will stand with you in tough times and say, “We’re not going to let you get discouraged. We’re not going to let you get depressed. We’re not going to let you worry. We’re going to stay here with you."

“A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT, second edition).

Play today's audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

-Rick Warren 

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Secret Of Relationships

Every one has relationship but how we deal with them is the legacy we leave.

So, let's leave a lasting legacy that will be past down for future generations and has the opportunity to branch out further and further to a lost and dying world.

Good Bless.

"Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." (1 Peter 2:7)


All relationships should be marked with honor. Remember that all people are made in the image of God and what you do and say to them, you do and say to Christ. There should be love for the brotherhood, the church. Our relationship with the church should be marked by sacrifice and service, not just by attendance. Fear God: In His Word, the fear of the Lord is to depart from iniquity those who truly respect the Almighty will depart from sin. Honor the King: God expects us to obey, respect and serve those who govern our country, whether they do it with righteousness or wickedness. These are the secrets of a relationship.

Psalm 31 Devotional 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

When You Face Trouble

Everyone faces trouble. It is what you do doing that time defines you. 

It is my prayer to give you hope and nay you find it in the words below. 

Keep going. You and I can make it through anything as long as we keep looking up.

God Bless.

When You Face Trouble, Community Is Your Safety Net

When you experience suffering in life, you need people to weep with you.

There are situations that nobody should ever have to go through alone. Nobody should ever have to wait alone in the hospital while a loved one is in a life-and-death surgery. No woman should ever have to wait alone for the lab report on a problem pregnancy. Nobody should have to wait alone for news from a battlefield. Nobody should have to stand alone at the edge of an open grave. Nobody should have to spend the first night alone after a spouse has died or walked out.

The fact is, some of these things are going to happen to you. They’re inevitable. You’re going to go through tragedy. You’re going to get bad news. You’re going to experience heartache. Only a fool would go through life totally unprepared for something that you know is going to happen. The time to build the safety net — the network of supporters and friends — is now.

What is God’s safety net? It is a group of other believers. You don’t need a hundred. You only need five or six — a group of other believers who are committed to you.

There was a guy who came to Saddleback Church for seven years. He sat up in the bleachers. He never got involved in anything, never joined a small group. He just came to worship and then left right after the service. One day he had a heart attack and was in the hospital for two weeks. I was traveling and didn’t even hear about it until I got back. When he got out of the hospital, he came to church and said, “I’m leaving the church.” I said, “Why?” He responded, “Because it’s unfriendly. Nobody visited me in the hospital.” As he left I thought, “It’s your fault!”

He never cared about anybody but himself. He never cared enough to even meet anybody. He never got in a small group, never gave, never shared. It was his fault that when the crisis came, nobody was there for him, because he never made any connections.

That’s not how God intended for any of us to go through life. Here’s God’s plan: “Be happy with those who are happy and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15 TEV).

Community is God’s answer to despair. You were made to share your life with others! Now is the time to find the people who will support you through life, who will rejoice with you in your victories and weep with you in your trouble.

Play today's audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

-Rick Warren 


Thursday, October 22, 2020

How To Bless Yourself



The merciful, kind, and generous man benefits himself [for his deeds return to bless him], but he who is cruel and callous [to the wants of others] brings on himself retribution.

— Proverbs 11:17 (AMP)How to Bless Yourself
Adapted from the resource My Time with God - by Joyce Meyer

all have opportunities every day to either be kind to the people around us, or to be callous to their needs and ignore them. What we choose to do helps determine the lack or abundance of blessings that we receive. God’s Word clearly teaches that when we’re kind and generous toward others, our good deeds return to bless us (see Luke 6:38; Proverbs 11:25).

Over the years, how I treat others has become more and more important to me. It’s always been important to God, but sadly, it wasn’t always important to me. I’m so grateful that He’s changed me in this area of life, because I’m much happier when I purposely look for ways to bless other people rather than having myself on my mind all the time. I often say that we cannot be happy and selfish at the same time!

Do you want to increase your blessings? If so, then be on the lookout for ways you can meet others’ needs, and take steps to bless them. Whether they need a smile, an encouraging word, or some kind of help that will require your time or money . . . be ready to help! When you do, God takes note, and He’s promised to bless you back (see 2 Corinthians 9:6-8; Proverbs 19:17).

Prayer Starter: Father, please forgive me for the times I’ve been selfish, and help me grow more generous and attentive to people’s needs. Thank You for being faithful to show me how I can bless others and equipping me to help. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Hollowed Be Your Name

Amen! AMEN!! Let it be so.

Hallowed be Your name. Help us to hallow it in our own souls, to hold it as sacred. Teach us to reverence You. Give us a glimpse of Your holy glory, that we may know how to adore Your name in our hearts. Then teach us how to hallow Your name in all our life. May we hallow it in our speech. Let us never speak Your name without love and reverence. May its every mention fill our hearts with holy thoughts of You. We are Your children and we bear Your name. Teach us how to live, so that we shall hallow Your name in ourselves. Let us never dishonor You, by living in any way unworthy of You. May we be holy, as You are holy. May we in our speech, in our conduct, in You whose name we bear. May our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify You, our Father in Heaven.

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Who Is Your Enemy

This is so, so good. Often times, we blame people instead of putting the blame where it needs to be, Satan and his demons.

Get to know your enemy and his way's. It will truly be a lifesaver. Not only for you but for those you love and whose to say it won't branch out to the world who needs to know the enemy more than we do.

God Bless.

Who Is Our Enemy?

When people oppose us or take advantage of us or treat us badly, we so often look at them as our enemies. And sometimes we spend so much of our time and energy in fighting back or at least in defending ourselves. But we need to realize an important Biblical truth. Our real enemies are not those who oppose us or take advantage of us. Our real enemy is Satan and his army of demons. We need to live in the truth that our real warfare is not against our fellow men who might oppose us but we are actually in a spiritual battle and our enemy is the forces of darkness - spiritual forces. And when we realize this, our method of fighting will also change as the warfare now takes on a spiritual dimension and we realize the foolishness of fighting the wrong enemy.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank you for showing us that our warfare is against the spiritual forces of darkness and not against flesh and blood. Let us therefore not fight with the wrong enemy, those opposing us or taking advantage of us, but let us wage war against the spiritual forces trying to pull us down in our walk with you. Give us the discernment to see things from a spiritual perspective that is directed by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Let Us Remember

Let us remember to give thanks for not only who He is but also for His faithfulness.

He will not fail us! Stand fast, my friend!

God Bless.

Psalm 107:8-9
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Lord God, we praise You today for Your incredible faithfulness and unfailing love. It is You Lord who has made it possible for us to know You, and to be in relationship with You – our loving Father. When we thirst, we can run to You with great confidence and sure hope. Thank You Lord, that I thirst for You. Thank You Lord, that when I am weak, You are strong enough to lead me back to You. No words are great enough to describe Your goodness. Thank You for choosing to be our God.

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Verse-A-Day' android app.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hope And A Future

Hope and a Future

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (NLT) -Jeremiah 29:11

There has never been a time when these words below were more imperative than right now.

Don't give up. Don't give in. Godnwill not fail us!!!!

God Bless.

Declare these words over your life! Don’t let hopelessness, despair, or negativity steal your confidence in God’s ability to protect you and give you a bright and beautiful future. God has good plans for you and a hope-filled future.

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Deceiver Becomes The Deceive

This little devotional makes you think a little bit.

When someone hurts or attacks us we go all postal and want justice. But keep in mind, this goes both way's.

So in boils down to a heart issue. We need to check it daily and this little devotional will help do just that.

God Bless.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 29:15-30

Jacob said to Laban,“. . . Why have you deceived me?” - Genesis 29:25

Jacob’s stated purpose in fleeing to Harran was to find a wife (Genesis 28:2), and it did not take him long to fall in love. Jacob’s polygamy and some other marriage customs described here may be foreign to many of us today, but they were not unusual in Jacob’s day. The fact that they are included in the Bible does not mean God approves of them; it simply means that God can work to redeem people’s hearts even through existing cultural realities.

On the night of his wedding, Jacob the deceiver is himself deceived. In the morning he finds that he is married to Leah instead of Rachel. Laban has played a nasty trick, and it will hurt his daughters as well as Jacob. But Jacob’s favoritism will also take a toll, setting the stage for resentment and bitterness that will plague his family for a long time.

It is easy to see the wrong in others. Jacob is quick to name Laban’s fault. But Jacob seems to miss the fact that only a short time earlier, he had committed a similar sin against his own father and brother. We are responsible for the sinful ways we act, and we are more like Jacob than we might like to think. We get irritated when others sin against us, but we are quick to justify our own wrongdoing. Thankfully, God kept working on Jacob—and he keeps working on our hearts too.


Heavenly Father, we easily ignore our own sins, but we get upset when others sin against us. Help us to see our hearts as you see them and to forgive others as you forgive us. Amen.

Joel Vande Werken

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Jesus Himself

Love this.
Who doesn’t need more of the Holy Spirit? Better yet, you knew Jesus would need as much as we would after all, He is the Son of God. 

Just goes to show, we need everything there is available to us under the sacrifice of Jesus to make it through a day.

God Bless.

Jesus Himself needed the presence of the Holy Spirit in His own life to fulfill His God given purpose.  Let’s learn from the obedience of Jesus as we let the Spirit of God help us to fulfill our own destinies. 

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Cry For Defence

With everything going on in the world, may we not forget to pray for the land that God views the apple of His eye.

God Bless.

A Cry For Defence

Twenty-five hundred years ago the psalmist Asaph called on God to defend his nation Israel against those trying to destroy it. He wanted God's action, his involvement, his fire, tempest, Jesus, and terror; he wanted the faces of Israel's enemies to be covered in shame and dismay. Why? So the whole world would know the Lord.

Prayer: Lord, I pray for the safety and peace of Jerusalem today. We pray that the enemies of Israel will be thrown into confusion and disarray. I pray you will work in the hearts, lives, and political systems there ... and through it all, may your name be glorified in all the earth. In Jesus' name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Those Who Give To The Poor

I know with every thing going on in the world today, we are tending to focus on what is going on in our lives and the lives of our love ones that we are not focusing outside of our comfort zone.

But we must. There are so many hurting people and those people should not be looking to the government to save or help them. 

Who they need to look at is, us, the church, and frankly, we are letting them down and I believe we are going to stand in front of God and give an account for all these times we could have been the hope they needed but instead focused more on what was going on in our lives. 

We have an opportunity to be God’s servant's may we rise to the challenge.

God Bless.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.

Lord God, do not let our hearts become hardened to the injustice and desperation of those who are in great need! Let your Holy Spirit ignite in us love and generosity that springs forth like a river of living water! Your heart, Lord God, is for those in need. Help us to follow Your example. Isaiah 58:6-7 (NIV) says, “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?"

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Verse-A-Day' android app.

Show Me Your Face, Lord

Article I wrote and was published. May you find something from it. 

God Bless.

Show Me Your Face, Lord


October. The one month that stirs up more controversay more than any other month all because of a pegan holiday called Halloween which started off as a day to ward off ghost by lighting bonfires and wearing costumes for the people associated this time with human death. They also believed dead people would come and roam the earth seeking who they could take back to the underworld as well as cause trouble and damage crops. Writing about the Halloween controversy is not the reason for this article.

However, with Halloween approaching, it got me thinking. Thinking about how much Halloween is going to be different this year. In fact, Halloween will probably be cancelled for most kids because of the virus.

With a normal Halloween, there are kid’s and as well as some adults who run around in wearing cute costumes and masks of thier favorite cartoon characters. But this year, everyone is being forced to wear a mask hiding most of our face. While I was thinking about all the changes, I got reminded of a song by Paul Wilbur titled, Show Me Your Face, Lord.

Although, no one has actually saw God’s face per se we see God’s showing off. After all, the people in the bible saw some miraculous miraclces.

Not only can God’s handy work be seen throughout the bible but His work can be seen today as well, even in the mist of a pandemic. We just may have to seek for it a littler harder now. If we look hard enough, we can find God is sticking His nose into whatever situation we may be facing. He is showing His face, we just may not have the eyes to see Him.

He is continually showing Himself. God can’t be hidden under a bushel. It just boils down how hard are we looking? How much are we seeking Him? Maybe, just maybe, He is using this pandemic as a mean’s for us to draw closer to Him as wellas pushing us to get our eyes on where they need to be instead of what is going on around us.

If there is one thing I’ve learned as we go through this trying time, we are the ones who are putting a mask on God’s face by limiting Him as well as not viewing our surroundings through His eyes. I honestly wonder, if we just looked to God just a tiny bit more than what we do, would judgement cease to be. Would violence take a backseat. And would there but such a movement of love and mercy that unity would have no choice but to arise and be in the forefront of any given situation.

So, I ask you, isn’t this enough to make you want to shred the mask you put on God and seek more of God’s face?


Show Me Your Face, Lord

Moses stood on a mountain
Waiting for you to pass by
You placed your hand over his face
In your presence he wouldn't die
All Israel saw the glory and it shines down through the age
Now you've called me to boldly seek your face

Show me your face, Lord
Show me your face
And then gird up my legs, I might stand in this holy place
Show me your face, Lord
Your power and your grace
I will make it to the end, if I could just see your face

David knew there was something more
Than the ark of your presence
In a manger messiah was born
Amongst kings and some peasants
And all Israel saw the glory
And it shines down through the age
Now you've called us to boldly seek your face

Show me your face, Lord
Show me your face
And then gird up my legs that I might stand in this holy place

Show me your face, Lord
Your power and your grace
And I will make it to the end if I could just see your face
If we could just see your face
Show me your face, Lord
Show me your face
And then gird up my leg I might stand in this holy place
Show me your face, Lord
Your power and your grace
I will make it to the end if I could just see your face
And I will make it to the end if I could just see your face
I will make it to the end Abba show me your face

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Don Potter