Thursday, October 1, 2020

Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously... Relax!

This is some seriously good advice below.

With so much seriousness going on in the world, there is such a need to ligtenen up and not be so serious. People are in need of hope and won't you be that for not only your family members, be your neighbor's, your co-workers, and anyone you may come in contact.

God Bless.

A merry heart does good, like medicine. — Proverbs 17:22   

Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously... Relax! 

by John Maxwell from A Leader's Heart   

A merry heart does good, like medicine. — Proverbs 17:22 

I work with a lot of leaders. And one thing I’ve found is that many times they take themselves much too seriously. Of course, they’re not alone. I meet people in every walk of life who have too much doom and gloom in their attitudes. They simply need to lighten up. No matter how serious your work is, that’s no reason to take yourself seriously. If any person had a reason to take his job and himself seriously, it would be a president of the United States. Yet it’s possible for even people holding that position to maintain their sense of humor and keep their egos in check. For example, when Calvin Coolidge was asked if he was attending the Sesquicentennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the President answered, “Yes.” “Why are you going, Mr. President?” a reporter asked. “As an exhibit,” answered the rotund Coolidge. If you tend to take yourself too seriously, give yourself and everyone else around you a break. 

Recognize that laughter breeds resilience. Laughing is the quickest way to get up and get going again when you’ve been knocked down. 

 * * * Excerpted with permission from A Leader's Heart: 365-Day Devotional Journal by John Maxwell, copyright John Maxwell.

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