Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Who Is Your Enemy

This is so, so good. Often times, we blame people instead of putting the blame where it needs to be, Satan and his demons.

Get to know your enemy and his way's. It will truly be a lifesaver. Not only for you but for those you love and whose to say it won't branch out to the world who needs to know the enemy more than we do.

God Bless.

Who Is Our Enemy?

When people oppose us or take advantage of us or treat us badly, we so often look at them as our enemies. And sometimes we spend so much of our time and energy in fighting back or at least in defending ourselves. But we need to realize an important Biblical truth. Our real enemies are not those who oppose us or take advantage of us. Our real enemy is Satan and his army of demons. We need to live in the truth that our real warfare is not against our fellow men who might oppose us but we are actually in a spiritual battle and our enemy is the forces of darkness - spiritual forces. And when we realize this, our method of fighting will also change as the warfare now takes on a spiritual dimension and we realize the foolishness of fighting the wrong enemy.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank you for showing us that our warfare is against the spiritual forces of darkness and not against flesh and blood. Let us therefore not fight with the wrong enemy, those opposing us or taking advantage of us, but let us wage war against the spiritual forces trying to pull us down in our walk with you. Give us the discernment to see things from a spiritual perspective that is directed by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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