Monday, October 12, 2020

Show Me Your Face, Lord

Article I wrote and was published. May you find something from it. 

God Bless.

Show Me Your Face, Lord


October. The one month that stirs up more controversay more than any other month all because of a pegan holiday called Halloween which started off as a day to ward off ghost by lighting bonfires and wearing costumes for the people associated this time with human death. They also believed dead people would come and roam the earth seeking who they could take back to the underworld as well as cause trouble and damage crops. Writing about the Halloween controversy is not the reason for this article.

However, with Halloween approaching, it got me thinking. Thinking about how much Halloween is going to be different this year. In fact, Halloween will probably be cancelled for most kids because of the virus.

With a normal Halloween, there are kid’s and as well as some adults who run around in wearing cute costumes and masks of thier favorite cartoon characters. But this year, everyone is being forced to wear a mask hiding most of our face. While I was thinking about all the changes, I got reminded of a song by Paul Wilbur titled, Show Me Your Face, Lord.

Although, no one has actually saw God’s face per se we see God’s showing off. After all, the people in the bible saw some miraculous miraclces.

Not only can God’s handy work be seen throughout the bible but His work can be seen today as well, even in the mist of a pandemic. We just may have to seek for it a littler harder now. If we look hard enough, we can find God is sticking His nose into whatever situation we may be facing. He is showing His face, we just may not have the eyes to see Him.

He is continually showing Himself. God can’t be hidden under a bushel. It just boils down how hard are we looking? How much are we seeking Him? Maybe, just maybe, He is using this pandemic as a mean’s for us to draw closer to Him as wellas pushing us to get our eyes on where they need to be instead of what is going on around us.

If there is one thing I’ve learned as we go through this trying time, we are the ones who are putting a mask on God’s face by limiting Him as well as not viewing our surroundings through His eyes. I honestly wonder, if we just looked to God just a tiny bit more than what we do, would judgement cease to be. Would violence take a backseat. And would there but such a movement of love and mercy that unity would have no choice but to arise and be in the forefront of any given situation.

So, I ask you, isn’t this enough to make you want to shred the mask you put on God and seek more of God’s face?


Show Me Your Face, Lord

Moses stood on a mountain
Waiting for you to pass by
You placed your hand over his face
In your presence he wouldn't die
All Israel saw the glory and it shines down through the age
Now you've called me to boldly seek your face

Show me your face, Lord
Show me your face
And then gird up my legs, I might stand in this holy place
Show me your face, Lord
Your power and your grace
I will make it to the end, if I could just see your face

David knew there was something more
Than the ark of your presence
In a manger messiah was born
Amongst kings and some peasants
And all Israel saw the glory
And it shines down through the age
Now you've called us to boldly seek your face

Show me your face, Lord
Show me your face
And then gird up my legs that I might stand in this holy place

Show me your face, Lord
Your power and your grace
And I will make it to the end if I could just see your face
If we could just see your face
Show me your face, Lord
Show me your face
And then gird up my leg I might stand in this holy place
Show me your face, Lord
Your power and your grace
I will make it to the end if I could just see your face
And I will make it to the end if I could just see your face
I will make it to the end Abba show me your face

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Don Potter



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