Thursday, October 8, 2020

I Have Placed A Rainbow

Love this and it's really something to hold onto as these trying days try to get a foothold into our lives and bring us down to it's level. 

Don't do it. Don't stoop to it's level but instead look up and seek out those rainbows and all they represent...God’s promises!

God Bless.

I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. (NLT) -Genesis 9:13 

What beautiful imagery God has used. After a harsh storm, full of roaring thunder and flashing lightning, comes the beautiful rainbow. It's rareness and colorfulness is a touching reminder of God's promise. He has promised to never again destroy life. 

The next time you see a rainbow, remember it is a sign to everyone that God will keep His promises. 

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