Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Time To Sing

Now is the time to worship. Now is the time to sing as if our lives depends on it and most indeed, they do. 

No matter where you live, the darkness still roams but we must be diligent in blocking it out in our lives.

And one of the way's to do that is to sing and give God praise for everything He is doing that we can see and can't.

God Bless.

A Time To Sing!

Is music part of your praise? Do you love to sing songs about our wonderful Saviour? Do you sing for joy when you think of God’s grace, mercy, love, comfort, provision, and power? Have you found yourself waking up to a particular hymn running through your mind? This psalm was written as a special song for a special day – the Sabbath. May it be your song today.

Prayer: Dear Lord, you’ve put a song in my heart today: a song of thanksgiving and praise. I want to sing about your love and faithfulness, your joy and peace. Don’t let the grey frowns and heavy hearts of others mute my song … but let my song bring a smile and lighten a heart today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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