Sunday, November 15, 2020

Overcoming the Impossible

A time potentent devotional below. We need to learn to wait, stand, and allow God to work. 

While we wait we need to obey God in what He is telling us to do. This is a hand in hand relationship God will do His part if we will do ours.

And just maybe, the impossible won't be out of reach after all.

God Bless.

Overcoming the Impossible

Adapted from the resource Quiet Times with God - by Joyce Meyer 

It doesn’t matter what the situation looks like around you; God is greater than any obstacle you may be facing. Anything that has never been done is impossible until someone does it, so why can’t it be you? Don’t allow your mind to become a hindrance to the things you can accomplish in life. Think big—the way God does.

Today’s Thought:

Believe God is going to do something better in your life. Go ahead and get your hopes up . . . God is leading you to something better than you can imagine.

To read: Romans 12:21; 1 John 5:4

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for empowering me to do anything and everything I need to do today, and for leading me into greater things. When I’m faced with problems, please help me remember that You’re bigger, and You’re working in the middle of them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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