Wednesday, March 3, 2021

After While The Brook

A good encouraging devotional for any and all areas in your life where lack of any kind has a stronghold in your life. 

Be encouraged and look for the small great things in your life that has been provided by your God.

God Bless.

But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land. (NLT) -1 Kings 17:7 

God blesses us with provisions daily, whether we recognize them or not. Sometimes the provisions God gives us dry up. Maybe a car breaks down, a job is lost, or a tree falls on your house. The important thing to remember is to not panic. God will make a new way. This is not the time to question God's goodness because the brook dried up. It is the time to trust that God will show you His love for you by preparing a new source of provision. 

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