Wednesday, March 31, 2021

King Saul

We need to pray for everyone who has been and is in leadership. 

No one needs it more than they do and I believe God wants to do something big in the world and it will start in leadership positions.

God Bless.

KING SAUL                                                                                 

PRAY Thank God for the leaders of government (at all levels) and pray for him to give them wisdom to lead well.

READ  1 Samuel 8–10

REFLECT The people rejected God as their king. What role do you think religion has in national life and politics? What evidence of faith do you expect in a political leader?

APPLY Write a note of encouragement today to a local or state political leader. Praise them in any way possible and assure them of your prayers for them as they lead.

PRAY Lord, remind me to pray for my government leaders and to support and encourage them in any way I can.

-Author Unknown 

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