Wednesday, March 24, 2021

David And Saul

This is some soul food for you to search out for yourself. 

Please allow God to speak encouragement for you.

God Bless.

DAVIID AND SAUL                                                                       

PRAY Ask God to help you maintain a healthy relationship with anyone in authority over you.

READ  1 Samuel 23:7—24:22

REFLECT   Is there a coworker, supervisor or other that you find it difficult to get along with? Why do you think that is so? What can you do to help make the relationship better?

APPLY As you go through your day relating to “difficult” people, identify any negative attitudes and actions you can and try to react with a positive, disarming attitude or action.

PRAY Lord, please give me the patience and insight I need in order to bring peace to my difficult relationships.

-Author Unknown 

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