Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Cry Out

May our last resort never be to call out to God late in a trial where we are barely hanging on but may it become a habit and an honor to cry out to Him as soon as one starts.

God Bless.

Psalm 138:3 When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. 

Even if we cry out to God as a last resort, or in desperation, it means that we recognize our need for help. Is it the end goal that we should call to God only as a last resort? No, but it is better than the alternative, which is not recognizing that we need God, that we need a Savior. Living for God means looking to Him in all things, every day. It is relying on and believing in His strength as ours runs out, and it is the practice of spending our strength on the things He leads us to. Through this effort we experience His unfailing love working for our good and for His glory. 

Verse courtesy of 'Psalm-A-Day' android app. http://www.idelata.com/apps/psalm-a-day/

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