Monday, June 21, 2021

The Prophet We Really Need

Huh, interesting reading below. How is God speaking to you? We just might be hearing from Him and we haven't recognized the manner in which He is.

God Bless.

The Prophet We Really Need! 

Scripture Reading: Luke 3:7-18 John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers!” - Luke 3:7

John was probably not the kind of guy I’d have hung around with as a young man. He took life too seriously. But he had a very important job: preparing the way for the Savior. It’s highly unusual that someone would work hard only to be second best. But John knew his entire life would revolve around playing second fiddle to his cousin. When people wondered if John might be the Messiah they were waiting for, he didn’t give in to self-deception or ego. 

He boldly said, “One who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” John accepted the fact he was only the opening act for the greatest person in the history of the world. What is the good news in all of this? We need a word from John to point us to the one true Savior we need. Maybe the Lord has been trying to awaken you with a word of rebuke or challenge. Receive it as the continuing work of pruning and shaping in your life for his kingdom purposes. Maybe you are exhausted on the fast track of life. Is it possible the nudge of God has to come another way? The good news of correction doesn’t feel good, but the results are a life readied and fitted for the direction Jesus has always wanted for you. 

Prayer: Jesus, I tend to shy away from people who offer correction in my life. Teach me to receive it, learn from it, and grow deeper in love with you. In your name, Amen. 

Reginald Smith

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