Thursday, June 10, 2021

Praying God's Word

Great info and wisdom on putting the word of God in action.

God Bless.

Praying God’s Word

Have you ever needed to pray for someone, but the words just wouldn’t come? I was having one of those moments, when the Lord took me into Psalm 1-6, where I found heartfelt prayers written by King David and other writers. Here are prayers from Psalms that you can pray for your loved ones. 

For prosperity: Thank you LORD, that ________’s delight is on the law of the LORD, and on his law ________ meditates day and night. ________ is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yield its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither. Whatever ________ does prospers, in Jesus Name (see Psalm 1:2-3)! For protection: Thank you LORD that you are a shield around ________, O LORD, you bestow glory on __________ and lift up his head, in Jesus Name (see Psalm 3:3)! In the name of Jesus, away from ______, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard his weeping. Thue LORD has heard his cry for mercy; the LORD accepts his prayer. All ______’s enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace (see Psalm 6:8-10). In intercession: LORD, how long will ________ turn your glory into shame? How long will he love delusions and seek false gods? Lord, I pray that _______ will know that you have set him apart for yourself; and I thank you that you, O LORD will hear _______ when he calls to You, in Jesus Name (see Psalm 4:2-3)! Thank you LORD, that in his anger, _______ will not sin; when he is on his bed, he will search his heart and be silent, in Jesus Name (see Psalm 4:4!

Prayer: Lord God, thank you that your Word is powerful! Thank you, that when I don’t know how to pray, you intercede on my behalf. Thank you for taking me to your Word! I believe the word I’ve prayed won’t return void, but will accomplish all that I sent it out to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen! 

Penned by Dawn Stewart Read more

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