Thursday, June 17, 2021


Let's be honest, gratitude can be and is the hardest thing to do especially when life isn't going our way so if your in need of encouragement, we'll, this little devotional is for you.

God Bless.


Give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people
- Psalm 105:1

Cultivating a thankful heart is the key to overcoming discouragement, grief, pain, or discontentment. If we develop the habit of counting our blessings then we, like Paul, can learn to be content -- even joyful -- in the darkest of times or most difficult of circumstances.

However, the psalmist here reminds us that the greatest benefit of a grateful heart, and therefore the greatest motivation to a thankful spirit, is not the blessing that it brings to us but the witness it is to others. Anyone can be happy and thankful when everything is going well; but what a testimony it is when God's people are rejoicing among the ruins of their temporal pleasures!

When a child of God is seen searching through the wreckage of shattered dreams, lost loved ones, or debilitating pain for reasons to praise their Lord it is an unparalleled proof of the power of Christ to transform and to satisfy His people. When they publicly call upon His name, making His deeds known among the masses, the gratefulness of God's children redounds to the glory of God's grace.

We are nowhere as able to shine for Christ as in the darkness of our own heartache and loss. In that moment we have the greatest potential to fulfill the greatest purpose of our lives -- to exalt the name of our Lord Jesus.

So, no matter what your current circumstances, give thanks to the Lord, calling on the name of Christ as your joy and sufficiency. Make known His goodness among the masses.

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