Sunday, July 25, 2021

For The Lord Is Our Judge

Let God be the judge of any and all situations. Judging others is too big of a burden to bear so why pick it up when there is already some one, who is the only one to carry it while knowing how to remove it from your life.

God Bless. 

For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.

Judge – Lawgiver – King. These are words not used lightly and all of them come with great responsibility and authority. Kings influence many people with each decision.  As believers we are subject to God like He is our King, our Lawgiver, our Judge. It is Christ to whom we will give an account...and Him alone. Jesus is the only person who could have saved us…and He did.  Praise God that we have a merciful, just, and loving King who is worthy to be praised!

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Verse-A-Day' android app.

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