Thursday, July 22, 2021

Inspiration - There Are No Orphans are loved. You are wanted. You are needed. You were made for a purpose. 
You were made for such a time for this! Be encouraged and keep running your race.

God Bless. 


There are no orphans in God’s house. There are no "step-kids." All of us who are led by His spirit are His rightful children. He chose us and He loves us. We are equal in His eyes. God does not have a favorite kid. We are all His favorites. He desires to shower us all with His blessings and He desires us all to be obedient. He loves us equally and disciplines us equally. We are part of one big blended family.


Lord, I am so happy to be a child of the King. You chose me to call yours. You grafted me into Your family and gave me a place to call my own. I am surrounded by Your love and the love of every other believer who is led by Your spirit. In Your family, I will never be orphaned. I will never be alone. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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