Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Pain Won't Last Forever

Food for thought For all of us who are dealing with pain so deep, you feel as if you can't put one step in front of the other. Be encouraged by the words below. 

God Bless. 

The Pain Won’t Last Forever

Adapted from the resource Healing the Soul of a Woman - by Joyce Meyer

Like you, I have faced difficult times in life, and I have learned to tell myself, “This can’t last forever. This, too, shall pass.” When you are going through hardship, deep disappointment, or some struggle that seems impossible, it’s easy to be tempted to think, I cannot stand this for one more day.

The devil takes advantage of our hurts and wounds and tempts us to think several times a day that our trials are going to last forever, that we will hurt for the rest of our lives, or that the negative effect of our problems will be permanent. We think, and sometimes fear, our pain will follow us everywhere we go for as long as we live. The truth is nothing on earth lasts forever. The only thing we have that is eternal is our life in Christ. In the context of eternity, the struggles that seem unending in this life are actually quite brief. God always wants to heal us, restore us, and deliver us.

Chances are, you can look back over the course of your life and remember other times you have been hurt. God has been faithful to bring you through those times; you can be confident you will make it through this current challenge again through Christ, who gives you strength (Phil. 4:13).

Paul’s point in 2 Corinthians 4:17–18 is that seasons of difficulty always pass. They do not last forever. Going through trials is tough, but God is always with us—helping us, encouraging us, and fighting our battles for us. He never wants us to stay in pain. He always wants to heal us.

When you are tempted to become discouraged because you feel your journey to healing in your soul is taking a long time, remember: “This, too, shall pass.” Your afflictions may not seem “light and momentary” to you right now, but from the perspective of eternity, they are. No matter how difficult your situation may look, God loves you and has a good plan for your life. Your future is bright, and He is preparing you for something great.

Romans 8:28 (ESV) says that we can know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. God can take even the hurts and wounds we endure and use them for good in our lives. They won’t last forever, and He will use them to strengthen us and to bless and help others.

Prayer Starter: Father, I know that nothing on earth lasts forever. Help me to understand Your great love for me and that You are always with me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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