Sunday, November 7, 2021

It May Feel

Just know, you are always on His mind, and He loves you more than you know, and He will never let you down.

God Bless.

It may feel as though God is not aware of the pain we are experiencing, but He is ever mindful of us. God cares about everything we are going through and He is not far from us. He is closer than we know! Jesus actually came to us and showed us how to think; we have the ability to think like He does. At potentially the most painful moment of Jesus’ life, his thoughts were on looking after others. Jesus made sure that his own mother was looked after and He made sure John was cared for. Jesus continued to look after others even as he was crucified on the cross. He chose to see the individual in the midst of his own pain. He has great concern for us today. He sees us and He all cares. Paul wrote most of his letters and encouragements from a prison cell. He is teaching us and showing us how to think right, even when things around us are not right. Getting our mind right leads to a right heart, then a right posture, and ultimately a right stance toward God.  


1. What is your mindset toward God right now? 

2. What is your mindset toward others?  

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