Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Keep It Real

Wow, I found this little devotional powerful as well as thought provoking. 

People now a day's can be so fake and all God is looking for is someone to be real with Him and to live a life in truth.

Just imagine if we all started to keep things real, maybe it would become the new normal in which everyone could live with.

God Bless.

Keep it real.

God isn’t going to get mad at you for being honest, so be authentic when you pray. Remember, nothing can separate you from God’s love. So if you’re not sure what to say, tell God that. If you’re frustrated about a situation, say so. He wants you to approach Him with confidence and boldness.

Talk to God about a concern you have right now. Try saying:

I’m struggling with…

I need help with…

I don’t understand why…


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