Monday, November 29, 2021

Unlikely Candidate To Make A Change

The story of Rahab is truly fascinating and one that needs explored more. 

Like the title states, she was a woman on a mission to see not only change in herself but helped bring about that change. 

Rahab is a story for anyone who thinks they are too far gone to be redeemed. Hope and life is possible.

God Bless.

Unlikely candidate to make a change 

Rahab was considered an outcast. People then and now probably looked/look down on her because of the life she lived. Rahab was one of the bad girls in the Bible and perhaps seemed like the most unlikely person to make a change.  

Rahab was a part of pagan culture and lived an unholy lifestyle, but she knew God was powerful and that He would deliver the spies from capture. She knew how the Lord made a dry path through the Red Sea. Basically, she knew all about the God that they served. Fear of the Lord caused Rahab’s response to Joshua’s men; she knew which side she needed to be on. Her faith persuaded her to tie a red garland outside her window, and she believed with everything in her that the men would come back and God would deliver her and her family. While the entire city was destroyed, Rahab and her family were saved. She turned away from her false gods, left her life as a prostitute, and trusted in the one true God. 

I love Rahab. Rahab was clever, bold, and trustworthy; she was firm-willed and a woman of great faith!

God can use you in your mess if you are willing to come out of your mess. Some of you have made mistakes, like Rahab. I know I did. I remember my life before I found Christ; my lifestyle did not honor God. My heart was far away from the Lord, and I indulged myself by living my life on my own terms.

 When I gave my life to Christ, everything changed. 

When you give your life to Christ, He will turn your life around for His glory. 

God is looking for people like Rahab — people who will leave their old lives behind to follow Jesus.

 We are a generation of people who need to be bold for Jesus.  

-Author Unknown

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