Thursday, November 18, 2021

People With The Worst Past

Most people underestimate the story of Rahab bit without her, we may not be living under the umbrella of forgiveness and grace. 

Rahab is a story of not only redemption but one of hope and forgiveness and should be a sign for all of us who believe we are unworthy of any thing

Rahab is modern day love story between the sinner and the knowledge of what her Savior can do for a life gone wrong.

God Bless.

People with the worst past can create the best future. 

In the Bible, Joshua sent two men into the city of Jericho to scope out the land. Out of all the people in the whole city, they ended up staying at the home of a prostitute named Rahab. Because Rahab was a harlot, many men visited her home. When the spies arrived at her house, she knew what her duty was, and she opened her home to them. 

Once the king heard that spies were in the city, he sent his men to go find them, and the first house they searched was Rahab’s house. While the king’s men were searching, however, Rahab kept silent about the spies’ whereabouts. She was good at keeping a secret. 

These days, if someone shares a secret, some people run and tell everybody or post it on their social media page. Rahab was different; she gave the spies her word. They told her, “If you look out for us, we will look out for you.”

Rahab didn’t allow how people viewed her to stop her from being obedient to God. She was a brave woman who risked her life to save the lives of Joshua’s men. While the streets were in an uproar with fear, calamity, and chaos, she kept her composure and put her trust in the Lord.

Fun fact: Rahab was part of the lineage of Jesus Christ! 

-Author Unknown

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