Wednesday, March 30, 2022

And When They Had Fasted

Just some food for thought and a subject to meditate on.

God Bless 

And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.


Fasting and prayer work hand in hand with each other. You cannot fast without praying – otherwise you will simply be on a hunger strike. The point of fasting is to sacrifice earthly needs in order to focus more on communing with God. Prayer is how we commune with God during this time of fellowship. It is in these times we can receive visions, revelations of God's word, and a refreshed assurance in the goodness of God.


Dear God, my prayer is that everything I do will never be done out of ignorance or selfish desire. May I never have any ulterior motives in my actions because I know how this can nullify the very act. May I remember that the importance of all I do is to communicate with you and to ensure that your name is glorified at all times.

-Author Unknown

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