Tuesday, March 8, 2022

So Shall They Fear The Name

Have you had enough of what is going on in the world? I think God has and soon He is going to make a move.

It is my hope that this little devotional helps you get prepared for when He steps onto the scene.

God Bless.

“So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19

Something happens when God says, Enough! God has raised His hand against the enemy in your life, and has told the enemy, “No more! No more attacking her body! No more attacking her mind! No more attacking her marriage and family! No more attacking her identity! Enough!” Your mighty God of power and strength is stepping into your circumstance and raising His hand against the enemy, and is saying, Enough! He has declared peace over your life through Jesus and has commanded His blessing over everything that concerns you. He is pushing back darkness, and commanding His light to shine through. He has told every demonic force they can’t have you. You are His daughter and He is your Father. He is delivering you and setting you securely in a high place of honor and stability in Christ. My sister, something happens when our almighty God says, Enough! He has heard your cry!

Prayer: Father, thank you for seeing me and hearing my cry. Thank you for lifting up a standard against the enemy. Lord, you are my standard. Thank you for commanding your light to break through all darkness. Thank you for bringing stability and causing me to walk in your peace. I love you, Father. Thank you for mightily loving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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