Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Expect Good Things To Happen

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God Bless.

Expect Good Things To Happen

Jan Slocum

This thing we call life has gotten harder and harder with all its trials and tribulations. All one has to do is watch the news, buy some groceries, put some gas in their vehicles, while dreading opening up the bills for fear they have gone up by twenty percent. Life is rough out there for the average Joe.

And if that wasn’t enough, there is very little kindness, understanding, compassionate people left in the world. People are hurting emotionally and in turn are hurting others with little remorse. People are angry and emotions are running amuck with little to no consequence of their action.

Depression and hopelessness is the new normal it would appear. Makes one think the return of Christ is close at hand and I for one is ready for it. I’m done. I want out. I’m looking for the clouds to part. I’m looking for my Savior to come on that beautiful horse of His. I have my ears tuned into the heavenly sound waves listening for the trumpet to blow. Any day now, Lord, any day. Beam me, up. I want to walk on the streets of gold, I want to feel no more pain, I want my tears to be dried. I want to be in the arms of my loving Father. I want to have a little talk with Jesus. I want to meet Noah. I want to be in awe of Abraham and John. Well, you get the picture. I’m ready to go.

Yet, here I am. I wake up day after day where evil is now good and the testing of your faith has intensified to the point you find it hard to breathe. And if you do find some form of pleasure out of life, you feel guilty for it.

Or maybe that’s just my life and that is okay if it is. I mean, I’m used to having negative things thrown at me, going threw a trial or two, seeing death take people I love, having lies told about me, having people judge me, and well, experiencing more physical pain the one should have to. Experiencing the negative is the norm for me.

But what if. What if it’s time for something new. To have a change of mindset. To take a moment and see things in a new way. To walk a new path. To be guiltless for experiencing happiness. To forge ahead, to live a life full of joy. To expect something good to happen in my life everyday not because someone has given me a five-point bullet plan to make life matter. But to really expect something good just because God is good and I don’t have to work for it.

 Is it truly possible to expect good things when the world around you is going to hell in a hand basket? I think so. I also think it is what is expected of us who call ourselves Christians.
I can’t help but wonder if we only sought the good in life what kind of impact that would have on those who are around us. Perhaps a change would occur in their lives as well? I’m no one special. Just an individual who is trying to get through this life without losing who I am in the process. It seems to me if I have a mindset change and expect something good to happen in my life everyday then why can’t those around me experience the goodness of God as well? Be an encouragement for those around you. Show them the light that shines within you. Be the reason for them to seek a mindset change of their own. It’s funny what a little bit of hope could do to a person, a lifeline even, and I’m all for living a life instead of living a life of dread and going through the emotions because that is what I’m suppose to do. Living the goodness as well as expecting it can make a powerful impact not only in your life, but in others as well, and in God’s eyes, this shows Him just how much you love and appreciate all that He has done for you for He came to give us life, life abundantly, now we have to go forth and expect to see good and mighty things. We need to become so in breaded with the knowledge His goodness is new every day and just maybe a spark will ignite a change in a world that is going to hell in a handbasket and is desperate for something good to happen for a change.

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