Wednesday, November 30, 2022

He Will Never Fail To Show You What To Do

There is some great truth bombs written below in this little devotional.

May you find encouragement as you meditate on the word's written below.

God Bless.

“If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believing, without a second thought…” James 1:5-6, Message Bible.

There have been times in my life when I just didn’t know what God’s will was for me. I didn’t know what decision to make, or where to turn.

But God. If He can tell Noah how to build an ark, if He can give David wisdom on how to defeat his enemies, if He can tell Joshua how to bring down the mighty walls of Jericho, if Jesus can reveal to Peter that there was money in the mouth of a fish, an impartial God, and a good God will show you what to do also.

Sometimes it’s wise to step away from your environment to a quiet place to hear Him. No matter the pressure, the complexity of your situation, or your decision, there will never be a time that your Father will fail to show you what to do.

Prayer: Father God, I thank you that you are good and you’ve never failed me. Help me not to worry but believe on you. Make the answer I need very clear to me. You showed many in your word what to do, you will do the same for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

(Read James 1:5-8; Colossians 3:15)

By Bernard Trippett

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