Monday, November 7, 2022

Prayer For Relationships

For me, one of the hardest things is dealing with relationships and keeping them in God's hands.

So when I came across this little devotional I became encouraged may you find this to be as well.

God Bless.

Prayer for Relationships: "God, relationships are so precious and I want mine to be full of life and love. I pray that You would be at the center of all my relationships. I know that the way I treat people is important. Show me what I can do to improve things on my end. Help me to be understanding and sincerely kind, and to have a good attitude toward every person I meet. Lord, I also pray that You would bring things to light that need to be talked about. I ask that You would provide great opportunities for communication. I know I can trust You to show me what to say and do. And I pray that no matter what happens, You'll be glorified in me. In Jesus' name, Amen."

-Author Unknown 

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