Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Bless Them

We have to remind ourselves from time to time, it's not always about us but also about those who have hurt or abuse us. 

Every one has the right to know their is a Savior and their ways can change. 

We also have to remember that we will stand in front of God one day and answer for how we responded to the hurts that came out way and the people who hurt us. We want to be on the right side so pray as often as you need to. No harm or shame in your feelings and how hard you might have to work in wanting good for them.

God Bless.

Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.


Our Lord Jesus Christ would have us not be embittered when mistreated by others. He would have us not return evil for evil but overcome evil with good. He commands us to wish well for and pray for those who do us wrong, caring more for the souls of others than for our own physical comforts.


Lord, it is not natural to the natural man to return good for evil, blessing for cursing, prayer for mistreatment. But that is the tall order you have given to us. Help us keep our spirits loving towards others and desiring their well being even when we have suffered some wrong at their hands. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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