Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Doubt has no place in our lives but we continue to give it power. May we stop it's power and replace it with the knowledge of who God is and what He brings to our lives.

God Bless.

Doubt. He’s a nosy neighbor. He’s an obnoxious guest. He’ll pester you, he’ll irritate you, he’ll kick the stool out from under you and refuse to help you up. He doesn’t offer any solutions; he only raises questions.

Had any visits from doubt lately? If you find yourself going to church in order to be saved and not because you are saved, then you’ve been listening to him. If you find yourself doubting God could forgive you again for that, you’ve been sold some snake oil. If you are more cynical about Christians than sincere about Christ, then guess who came to dinner?

I suggest you put a lock on your gate. I suggest you post a “Do Not Enter” sign on your door. James 1:6 says, “Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the wind.”

-Author Unknown 

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