Sunday, May 14, 2023

Look Ahead To Your Destiny

Love this little devotional. I found it encouraging and it's my prayer you will too. 

God Bless.

Look Ahead to Your Destiny

Don't look back. I know it hurts. I know your wounds. I know your disappointments. I saw the betrayals. I saw the tears. I was with you through the pain, and I am here to make it right. I will work it all - the hurt, the disappointment, the betrayals - together for your good because you love Me and I love you. I will give you beauty for ashes. But you have to leave those ashes behind so I can resurrect with newness of life those things the enemy tried to steal, kill, and destroy. Remember Lot's wife. Don't look back. Your destiny is ahead, and I am leading you toward your dreams.


Thank You for Your healing power in my soul. Give me the strength to press beyond the past and toward my high calling in Christ. Show me how to make the divine exchange that will give me beauty for ashes, and I will glorify Your name.

-Author Unknown 

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