Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Quote Of The Day - Go Out

Leaving it right here.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Go out of your way to do something nice today—open a door, leave a good tip, or share a beautiful smile with someone who crosses your path. Trust that God will speak to them through your kindness.” 

-Joyce Meyer, Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions

Monday, October 30, 2023

Where I Was Born

Truth bomb written below. 

God Bless.

Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest.

Author: D.L. Moody

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Earnest Intercession

Love this. 

Be encouraged. 

God Bless.

Charles Spurgeon Quote of the Day

Earnest intercession will be sure to bring love with it. I do not believe you can hate a man for whom you habitually pray. If you dislike any brother Christian, pray for him doubly, not only for his sake, but for your own, that you may be cured of prejudice and saved from all unkind feeling.

~Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

Thursday, October 26, 2023

I Prayed

Thought provoking but I also needed the words written below to help me to continue the good fight of faith. 

Be encouraged. 

God Bless.

"I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4)


The exhaustive list of recognized anxiety disorders is a poignant expression of how many different ways people try to cope with fear, and fail miserably at it. Anxiety is caused when people try to cope with the lack of control over circumstances which stems from sins inflicted by others, by their own doing, and or as a result of medical issues. God expects us to surrender all of our fears to Him and trust Him to work for our good in every situation. This requires living a life of total surrender obedience to His Word and making lifestyle changes in order to become healthy in body and mind.

-Author Unknown 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

I Prayed To The Lord

I keep reading this scripture over and over to keep me encouraged. 

God Bless.

"I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4)

-Author God Almighty And King David

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

It's Easy

Isn't this the truth.

God Bless.

It’s easy to become conformed to this world. We are desensitized to sinful lifestyles consistently through entertainment outlets and social media on a daily basis. When we accept Christ, we are to surrender our spirits to the Lord. We seek to align our lives according to His will and not the desire of the world around us. Conforming to the world brings turmoil and misery, committing our spirit to the Lord results in peace and happiness.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Into Thine Hand

Here is the rest of the devotional that made me think about everything and ended up becoming an encouragement to me.

God Bless. 

Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.


It’s easy to become conformed to this world. We are desensitized to sinful lifestyles consistently through entertainment outlets and social media on a daily basis. When we accept Christ, we are to surrender our spirits to the Lord. We seek to align our lives according to His will and not the desire of the world around us. Conforming to the world brings turmoil and misery, committing our spirit to the Lord results in peace and happiness.


Dear God, we choose not to be conformed to this world and will surrender our spirits to You. It is our desire to make our lives parallel to Your will. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Abide In Me

This is a good one! Be encouraged!

God Bless.

“Abide in Me

Abide in Me, and I in you... John 15:4

You would think that when God tells us to abide and remain in Him, this would be an easy thing to do, but it actually can prove quite challenging. Everything tries to pull us up and out of our seat. Things come from all directions to get us out of faith, out of love, out of the Spirit, and out of our place of rest in Him. 

The husband leaves you and the kids, and the Lord says, abide in Me. You lose your job without severance pay, and the Lord says, abide in Me. Your child gets arrested, and the Lord says, abide in Me. The thing is, you're not there alone. The Lord is with you. And you're not sitting idle, twiddling your thumbs. You are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, seated with Him, and from that place, you pray, intercede, and petition the Lord. In that place, He answers you. Your warfare is to resist the pull to move from that place of remaining, abiding and resting in Him. 

Nothing can pluck us out of God's hands. Nothing and no one. We would have to decide to move. Let's receive every bit of Holy Spirit's help, my sister, to stay seated in Christ. Let's receive and keep receiving all of His strength and all of His might to remain in our trust in Him when everything is trying to pull us out. Stay in faith. Stay in love. Stay in the Spirit. Stay in peace. Stay the course. You can do all things through Him who strengthens you, including abiding in Him. 

Prayer: Father, I hear you speaking to me, and I receive your instructions to stay and remain in you. I receive your help to not move out of my seat. Help me stay in the Spirit, in your love, in your peace, in your will, on your course for my life. Be glorified in me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Daughters of the King Daily Devotionals

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Are You Allowing

This is soooo good. Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (NLT) -1 Peter 5:7 

Are you allowing lies to define who you are? Do you live each day believing the lie that you are unloved, unworthy or unforgiven? God invites us to cast these lies, cares, weights aside! God desires us to live life carefree. To live our days secure in the knowledge that we are His loved ones. 

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The More You Read

Sòooooo good! 

God Bless

Charles Spurgeon Quote of the Day

The more you read the Bible; and the more you meditate on it, the more you will be astonished with it.

~Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

My Maker

Encouragement warning written in the word's below. 

God Bless.


For thy Maker [is] thine husband; the LORD of hosts [is] his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the “Maker”, the “Redeemer” and the “Husband” of the Church. Hosea 2:19 says, “And I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving-kindness and in mercies”. What marvels are wrought in connection with the generation of sinful man! How little we emphasize these great truths! He loves us, He cares for us. What joy awaits us when He comes and takes us to the mansion which He has prepared for us.

We look to Thee, our Maker and our Husband, and ask Thy help that we may honor Thee by lip AND life. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Give All Your Worries

Food for thought. Be encouraged. 

God Bless.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (NLT) -1 Peter 5:7 

Are you allowing lies to define who you are? Do you live each day believing the lie that you are unloved, unworthy or unforgiven? God invites us to cast these lies, cares, weights aside! God desires us to live life carefree. To live our days secure in the knowledge that we are His loved ones. 

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Many Things

Isn't this the truth.

God Bless.

With so many things coming back in style, I can’t wait for loyalty, morals, thankfulness, and respect to become a trend again.

-Author Unknown 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Path

Food for thought.

God Bless.

The Path to True Success

Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer

Our ultimate success and value in life is not found in climbing what the world calls the ladder of success. Our success is not in a job promotion, a bigger house, a better-looking car, or elite social circles.

True success is knowing God and the power of His resurrection. It’s knowing that He loves you unconditionally and that you are made acceptable in Jesus, the beloved Son of God, who died for you, to pay for your sins.

Real success is allowing God to help you be the best you can be, but never having to be better than someone else to prove that you are valuable.

Prayer of the Day: Lord Jesus, I want to know You more and the power of Your resurrection! Thank You for loving me unconditionally. In Your name I pray, amen.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The God Who Is There

Interesting little devotional below. 

Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 

The God Who Is There
Today : The God Who Is There

“But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 4:29 (NIV)

Have you ever sought after God? There are so many different things we seek after every day, some good, some not so good. But the one thing that will make all the difference in the world is seeking after God. God can meet the longing of your heart. He can satisfy your every need. The secret is seeking God with all your heart and soul. It cannot be a half hearted search, but rather a desperate longing, a deep commitment to know and love God. It is nothing less than a consecration of your life, passions and purpose. When you seek God in this way you will find Him. Start today. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to make you aware of His presence. Spend time with Him. Meditate on His word and come to Him in prayer. When you do, you will find out that the Psalmist was right when he wrote, “you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”.

Father, I want to know You better. I need You and want to know You with all my heart and soul. I come today to seek an intimate relationship with You and ask that You will help me. Show me the way, guide me to Yourself. In Jesus’ name.

I seek to know God better
Our God is, “The God who is there.” He is tangible, weighty and has a presence. He promises if we seek Him, He will be found. Today, meditate on yourself looking for God like you would a friend. Picture yourself in a beautiful garden. You know Jesus is there, so you call for Him. You are calling out, “Jesus, I am looking for you.” In your minds eye, walk around the garden calling out for Him. You are not worried for you know He is there. It is just a matter of time before you and He meet. Sure enough as you turn a corner, there He is. He turns around and is so happy to see you. You greet each other, like long lost friends. Rejoice in the feeling of His love. Sense His acceptance and the fact that He is there.

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

I Trust In God

Oh, I so long to live a life of trusting and put the doubts behind me. 

I found this little devotional to be encouraging and I wanted to share the wealth. 

God Bless.

I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? (NLT) -Psalm 56:11

Trusting in God puts your heart at ease because you no longer have to worry. Placing your faith in Him relieves all doubt and uncertainty about the future. Do not be afraid of what other people may do. The effects of their actions are temporary in comparison to spending eternity with God.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Monday, October 9, 2023

Oh What Joy

Gratefulness and hope in the word's written below especially to all those parents out there.

God Bless.

Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! (NLT) -Psalm 32:1

Thankfully, God reminds us that we can go to Him when we MESS UP and this amazing great exchange happens. He swaps our brokenness for beauty. It really feels too good to be true! That’s the deal God made when we sent Jesus to die in our place. We now can be considered blessed or happy when we go to God with our sins! God’s grace is available to us even in the midst of our worst parenting mistakes.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Sunday, October 8, 2023

When You Place


God Bless.

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. (NLT) -Ephesians 3:17

When you place your faith in God and trust that His plans for you are better than you can imagine, Christ will send the Holy Spirit to you. Through prayer and daily reading of the Bible, a relationship will grow. This relationship is unlike any other, and it will sharpen you to constantly grow to be more like Christ.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Friday, October 6, 2023

You Must Believe

Truth bomb below!

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“You must believe what God’s Word says about you more than you believe what others say or what your feelings or own mind says.” 

-Joyce Meyer, The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Give Away Your Hope

This is some good food for thought. 

Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 

Give Away Your Hope
Today : Give Away Your Hope

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” I Peter 3:15 (NIV)

Hope is a precious commodity. You can live without a lot of things but it is hard to live this life without hope. Solomon wrote, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick!” How true that is. The opposite is true too. Hope makes the heart peaceful. Hope, in the resurrection power of Christ, enables us to overcome obstacles that hinder us. With hope in God’s love and faithfulness, we can look beyond adversity. But with hope, comes responsibility. It would be wrong to have a warehouse full of food and not let those that are starving have some. Likewise to have hope and not show others how to have the same hope, would be unconscionable. For that reason Peter tells us to, “be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” So where is your hope today? Is it in the living God? Are you feeling secure even when the pressure is on? If so, ask God to bring people to you that will ask about your hope. And when He does, ask God to help you present to them the reason you have hope in Christ.

Father, thank You for the hope that I find in You. You are my hope and I want to tell others about You. Give me the courage and strength to give an answer to every person that asks me where my hope comes from.

Christ gives me hope
Meditate on what it feels like to have hope. Let comfort and joy swell up in your heart. Sense your body relax as the thought of hope fills your being. In this hopeful state, picture yourself helping others become hopeful. See their faces turn from despair to peace and joy. Visualize one after another, people all needing hope being touched by your encouragement and love. Sense the joy that you have as God empowers you to share with others the reason that you are so hopeful.

-Author Unknown 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Oh What Joy

Thankful mixed with encouragement. 

God Bless.

Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! (NLT) -Psalm 32:1

Thankfully, God reminds us that we can go to Him when we MESS UP and this amazing great exchange happens. He swaps our brokenness for beauty. It really feels too good to be true! That’s the deal God made when we sent Jesus to die in our place. We now can be considered blessed or happy when we go to God with our sins! God’s grace is available to us even in the midst of our worst parenting mistakes.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Then Christ

Food for thought. 

God Bless.

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. (NLT) -Ephesians 3:17

When you place your faith in God and trust that His plans for you are better than you can imagine, Christ will send the Holy Spirit to you. Through prayer and daily reading of the Bible, a relationship will grow. This relationship is unlike any other, and it will sharpen you to constantly grow to be more like Christ.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/


Monday, October 2, 2023


A great little devotional below.

Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 

[Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Psalm 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

Notice: it does not say, “I never struggle with fear.” Fear strikes, and the battle begins. So the Bible does not assume that true believers will have no anxieties. Instead, the Bible tells us how to fight when they strike.

For example, 1 Peter 5:7 says, “[Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” It does not say, you will never feel any anxieties. It says, when you have them, cast them on God. When the mud splatters your windshield and you temporarily lose sight of the road and start to swerve in anxiety, turn on your wipers and squirt your windshield washer.

So my response to the person who has to deal with feelings of anxiety every day is to say: that’s more or less normal. At least it is for me, ever since my teenage years. The issue is: How do we fight them?

The answer to that question is: we fight anxieties by fighting against unbelief and fighting for faith in future grace. And the way you fight this “good fight” (1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7) is by meditating on God’s assurances of future grace and by asking for the help of his Spirit.

The windshield wipers are the promises of God that clear away the mud of unbelief, and the windshield washer fluid is the help of the Holy Spirit. The battle to be freed from sin — including the sin of anxiety — is fought “by the Spirit and belief in the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:13).

The work of the Spirit and the word of truth. These are the great faith-builders. Without the softening work of the Holy Spirit, the wipers of the word just scrape over the blinding clumps of unbelief on the windshield.

Both are necessary: the Spirit and the word. We read the promises of God and we pray for the help of his Spirit. And as the windshield clears so that we can see the welfare that God plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), our faith grows stronger and the swerving of anxiety straightens out.

-Author Unknown