Sunday, October 22, 2023

Abide In Me

This is a good one! Be encouraged!

God Bless.

“Abide in Me

Abide in Me, and I in you... John 15:4

You would think that when God tells us to abide and remain in Him, this would be an easy thing to do, but it actually can prove quite challenging. Everything tries to pull us up and out of our seat. Things come from all directions to get us out of faith, out of love, out of the Spirit, and out of our place of rest in Him. 

The husband leaves you and the kids, and the Lord says, abide in Me. You lose your job without severance pay, and the Lord says, abide in Me. Your child gets arrested, and the Lord says, abide in Me. The thing is, you're not there alone. The Lord is with you. And you're not sitting idle, twiddling your thumbs. You are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, seated with Him, and from that place, you pray, intercede, and petition the Lord. In that place, He answers you. Your warfare is to resist the pull to move from that place of remaining, abiding and resting in Him. 

Nothing can pluck us out of God's hands. Nothing and no one. We would have to decide to move. Let's receive every bit of Holy Spirit's help, my sister, to stay seated in Christ. Let's receive and keep receiving all of His strength and all of His might to remain in our trust in Him when everything is trying to pull us out. Stay in faith. Stay in love. Stay in the Spirit. Stay in peace. Stay the course. You can do all things through Him who strengthens you, including abiding in Him. 

Prayer: Father, I hear you speaking to me, and I receive your instructions to stay and remain in you. I receive your help to not move out of my seat. Help me stay in the Spirit, in your love, in your peace, in your will, on your course for my life. Be glorified in me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Daughters of the King Daily Devotionals

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