Thursday, October 5, 2023

Give Away Your Hope

This is some good food for thought. 

Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 

Give Away Your Hope
Today : Give Away Your Hope

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” I Peter 3:15 (NIV)

Hope is a precious commodity. You can live without a lot of things but it is hard to live this life without hope. Solomon wrote, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick!” How true that is. The opposite is true too. Hope makes the heart peaceful. Hope, in the resurrection power of Christ, enables us to overcome obstacles that hinder us. With hope in God’s love and faithfulness, we can look beyond adversity. But with hope, comes responsibility. It would be wrong to have a warehouse full of food and not let those that are starving have some. Likewise to have hope and not show others how to have the same hope, would be unconscionable. For that reason Peter tells us to, “be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” So where is your hope today? Is it in the living God? Are you feeling secure even when the pressure is on? If so, ask God to bring people to you that will ask about your hope. And when He does, ask God to help you present to them the reason you have hope in Christ.

Father, thank You for the hope that I find in You. You are my hope and I want to tell others about You. Give me the courage and strength to give an answer to every person that asks me where my hope comes from.

Christ gives me hope
Meditate on what it feels like to have hope. Let comfort and joy swell up in your heart. Sense your body relax as the thought of hope fills your being. In this hopeful state, picture yourself helping others become hopeful. See their faces turn from despair to peace and joy. Visualize one after another, people all needing hope being touched by your encouragement and love. Sense the joy that you have as God empowers you to share with others the reason that you are so hopeful.

-Author Unknown 

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