Saturday, April 13, 2013

No One Has The Right

Dreams are what make life worth living. Everyone has them and everyone wants them to come true. The problem is not everyone's dream becomes a reality. Every person who has ever walked on the face of this earth has dreamed big dreams.

Yet unlike many of us, we are not willing to do whatever it takes to make them come true. We allow others to steal, crush, or make light of what we hold dear to our hearts. No one has that right. No one should have that power to control another person. God didn't give us a person to rule and hover over us and dictate our every move we make but He gave us a free will to choose who, what, and how our life would play out.

What we need to remember and get a handle on is once something gets deep into our spirits, we have an obligation to seek it out and pursue it with every thing in us. God said in His word that He didn't give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and to live above and beyond what we could think or ask.

So I have to ask, even myself included, if this is the case then why don't I see more of my dreams coming true and why am I not living above and beyond, in essence, the good life? I have allowed others by their words, actions, and deeds to come into my life and close the door to all my hopes and dreams.

I have allowed myself to believe in what others think of me instead of relying on what God thinks of me and who He says I can be. I have forgotten that He has a plan for my life and I have forgotten to seek His face for it.

So what I am proposing is we get back to the basics and close our mind off to others and quit allowing them access to our hopes and dreams and replace it with a fire and purpose to seek God and His righteousness and His plan for our lives and see where that leads us.

God Bless

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