Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Matter

No matter what oh may think if The Bible series, you still should be able to get your emotions stirred up with the crucifixion scene. Every time I see the scene played out in any movie or story, it moves me to tears.

Just wondering what Jesus thought, what He felt, and why He didn't scream out to be saved. What did He think when He saw His mother there with Him?

I know He felt grieved and counted it all joy to take on my sins, but being human I have to wondered what He really thought. Yes, I know His battle was in the garden but still....what did He really think.

For me, I would have blasted every single one of those people. Thank heavens I am not Jesus. As a mother, I would have done everything in my power to keep it from happening to my baby. As a daughter, there is no way I would want my mother or father to see me going through something that horrible, yet Jesus did.

I know He had to make all things new but still, even after everything, what was He thinking? Yes, I know He was looking ahead and saw mr and you, and He was a willing participant from the foundation of the world but don't you wonder if He had other thoughts on His mind?

Forget about His pain from the beatings, and the thumping of His head because of the thorns, or the thirst He felt, or the thought that every step he took was painful and with each step brought Him closer to death.

Have you ever wondered if He thought about His love for Mary? I believe He had to be in love with her for the bible states He felt what we feel but I have no prove unlike the so called that code movie.

Many people talk about what people's last words are in life before crossing over but few talk about their thoughts. Yet most of the time, they come out any way it depends on whether you listen for them as you struggle to swallow your grief.

I just can't help wonder what Jesus truly thought of that day as He walked amongst His peers but one thing I can be truly happy about is that no matter what they were, it wasn't enough to change His mind about His mission and purpose and that He still went to the cross to save a nosy sinner like me.

God Bless.

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