Monday, April 15, 2013

The Bombing of Boston

It makes me sick that someone thought it would be okay to shoot up people with homemade bombs on the shores of the United States.

Are we on the verge of another 911? Or are we on the verge of a civil war? Or are we dealing with some sick people who need to be locked up and have the key thrown away?

Is security on your mind tonight? Are you wondering where this world is heading especially in America? If you have read the bible just once, you should be able to read the signs of the time. We are close to something major happening.

What is about to take place is possibly the full blown tribulation or the return or Jesus Christ; possibly both. All I know is this world is going to hell in a hand basket and its a crazy life outside of Jesus. However if your still breathing and I'm stilling breathing and the clouds haven't parted than we must find a way to live on this planet until Jesus makes His trumpet return.

We must get serious and start to seek His face not only for ourselves but for America, I heard Perry Stone say we don't need a restoration but a reformation of American. We need to reform our government, our laws, our schools, and our way of life. We need to quite making light of things as we drink a drink and smoke a smoke or light up like a Christmas tree because we have some weed we just got off the thug on the street corner.

We need to put down the drink, stop keeping up with the Kardasian's, and stop being like the Jones. We need to hit our knees and be willing to sit in a service and wait until He speaks on our part to change this nation. We must be willing to work a little bit, pray a little harder, and speak less, and love more.

We must get the Creator of the universe back into the picture and let Him arise in America, in the world, and ourselves. Nothing is going to change unless we become like Jacob and wrestle with God and don't let Him go until He blesses America again.

We must get serious and get God involved or otherwise, these kinds of things will continue to happen. We must remember just like pervious generations will have to stand and be accounted for what happen during their lifetime, so will we. My hope and prayer is we will get it and get serious and the next thing that goes off is the movement of Christ and His Spirit that will touch every town, every state, and then every country in the world.

God Bless.

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