Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pull the Door

Sometimes you just have to pull that door. Hope you find encouragement through this devotional.

God Bless.

Pull the Door
“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.”  2 Corinthians 1:20 (KJV)

There we were standing outside the glass doors looking in.  My friend and I arrived at an event, but the doors were closed.  We looked in to see if we recognized someone who would open the door for us.  We saw that other people were going in another door, but figured they had a special pass to enter and we did not have such a pass.  The security guard was watching us, but offered no solution for our dilemma.  We texted people, glanced around etc., to no avail.  Then we saw a friend of ours who opened the door and we later received a text message which said, “Pull the door.”  Much to our surprise the door was unlocked the entire time.  While we stood looking in, all we had to do was open the door and enter the building.  We laughed about the incident, but the spiritual implications were huge.  Are there times when you feel as if you are on the outside looking in at others enjoying life?  Then I have a message for you, “Pull the Door”. 

Pull open the door to the Bible which is full of promises just for you.  Your Heavenly Father is not locking you out of any promise in His Word and your feelings should never be an indicator to you on your status in life. 

Daughter of the King, your Father never wants you standing on the outside looking in.  He has made a way for you and has already said “Yes, that promise is yours.  Amen to that promise for you.”  All of God’s promises are “Yes and So Be It!” 

Praise the LORD!  Make a decision to go through the door of His Word and unfold the promises in it for your life.  Don’t look around for someone to open them for you.  Another person may help get you started, but there are no short cuts, you will have to do this yourself.  No special pass required here either, only faith in God’s Word.  Stay on the path your Father has for you which is a life of victory and walk in the fullness of His promises in every area of your life!

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, I make a decision to open Your Word and seek out Your promises for my life.  I know that You have already said, “Yes” to those promises for me and now I have to say “yes” to them as well.  I thank You for Your goodness toward me and for teaching me how to walk in every promise You have just for me.  In Jesus’ name  I pray.  Amen.

Courtesy of Kings Daughter

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