Monday, July 28, 2014

Honey, You Are Blessed

If you need a little encouragement today, then this little devotional is for you.
It doesn't matter if your man or woman, or what your going through, you will find what your looking for in the words below.
May your heart, mind, and soul be saturated in blessings today, tommorw, and in the days to come.
God Bless.
Honey, You Are Blessed!
“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12:32 (NLT)
Settle this within yourself this morning of how tremendously blessed you are. It’s not when you get the desires of your heart that you will become blessed. No, you are blessed right now!
Discontentment can tell you that you need this or that before you can truly be happy. Only to find that when you finally get those things you really want, you are now on to the next thing. Never really satisfied.
The people of Israel wandered in the desert for forty years, looking to reach the land that God had promised. Their hearts were full of complaints and murmurings.
They were frustrated with God, with their situation, upset with Moses, and at each others’ throats because they couldn’t see how blessed they really were. Although living in tents isn’t the Ritz, living in God is.
They had forgotten their rich heritage and the mighty God they served. It’s insulting to God when we don’t see how blessed we are already. If you know the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If you have a relationship with Almighty God. If you can go to Him and pray to Him. If you are a daughter of the King, then sister girl, you are blessed!
Prayer: Lord, You are so good and faithful to me. Thank You for all that You have done for me. Help me to walk throughout this day with a thankful heart. I have nothing to complain about and nothing to murmur about. I could be dead, but I’m alive. I could be lost, but I’m found in You. This means more to me than any substance. I’m Your daughter and You are my God and I’m content with that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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