Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We Do Not Cease To Pray For You

This dwvotional is a good insight on how one should pray for others and I wanted to pass it along.

God Bless.

We... do not cease to pray for you. – Col 1:910 

Some people pray for their friends, but ask only for things of lower or less important – that they may have good health, that they may get on well in worldly affairs, that they may prosper socially.

These are proper enough blessings to ask for our friends, but they are not the first things.

Paul, in praying for his friends, asks for them the highest and greatest things. He requests that they may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding; that they may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing; that they may bear fruit in every good work; that they may increase in the knowledge of God; and that they may be strengthened with all power unto all patience and long–suffering with joy.

Could we do better than to pray Paul’s prayer for our friends? These are blessings, which we know they need, and which God is willing to give them.

We need never fear that in asking for such things we are seeking for blessings that will perish in the using.

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