Monday, August 11, 2014


Oh, how I need to rely on God as my protector in every area of my life and I can't believe that I am the only one.

It's totally different to believe in God but it's a whole new ballgame letting go and believing He has control in every area of my life.

This world is nuts and at any given time, life can slip away from you and things unexpected things arise and in short, at times life just plain sucks and you don't know where your going.

But if you put your hand into the Man who created it all, He will see you through all things.

God Bless.

O LORD, I have come to you for protection; don't let me be disgraced. (NLT) -Psalm 71:1

Do you need safety and stability in your life right now?

When you feel vulnerable to harm know there is a place to go and you will be rescued. Seek out assistance from your local church and they will reach out a helping hand. Ask God for His hands of protection to surround you. Read God's word for wisdom and guidance, such as the book of Proverbs.

Our Lord will provide strength and security. Look to God for protection.

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