Friday, September 26, 2014

Learned Christ

This devotional was from Morning with God and I felt it gave great guidelines as to how we should be living and walking and breathing.  

Hopefully some thing will click for us all and we will rise and bring Christ to a dying world. Lord knows it needs Him but first the world needs people who will act like, talk like, and most importantly live like Him.

God Bless. 

September 25

Ye have not so learned Christ. – Eph 4:20

Christians are not to live as other people do. Something far better is expected of them.

They have come out from the world, and they are to show the world an example of heavenly life. They are no longer to “walk as the Gentiles also walk.”

Those who have learned Christ should put away all the evil things of their former life, and be renewed in the spirit of their mind.

  1. They should put away falsehood and speak truth with their neighbors. If they get angry they should be sure not to hold hate in their hearts overnight. “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” If they had ever stolen, they should steal no more, but should earn by honest labor whatever they get. They should keep special watch over their speech, never speaking any corrupt words. They should utter only words that will do good, imparting grace, making people happier and better. They should be careful never to do anything to grieve the Holy Spirit. They should keep their hearts free from all bitter thoughts and should be kind to everybody.

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