Wednesday, September 17, 2014

You Can Do All Things

I absolutely love this! I want to live this! But most of all I need to share this with the hope someone will pick up and not give up ever as again.

Enjoy and God Bless.

You can do all things.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Take this Scripture literally. They aren’t just words on a page, they are true. Slow down and read each word carefully. I…can…do…all…things… This means with the help of God there is nothing you can’t do.

You can love through Christ which strengthens you. You can forgive through Christ which strengthens you. You can raise your children by yourself through Christ which strengthens you. You can be the wife God wants you to be through Christ which strengthens you. You can get your degree through Christ which strengthens you.

You can fulfill your purpose through Christ which strengthens you. You can do anything you set your mind to through Christ which strengthens you. It is in Him that you live, move and have your being. Not a man, not a woman, not a thing. Sometimes the people in our life make us feel so strong. They make us feel as though we can conquer the world. Maybe that person was your mother, your grandmother, your sister or your friend.

Maybe they were the only person that got you. And what does God sometimes do? He permits their exit from your life so you can finally see what amazing things you are capable of with the help of God.

You are awesome, you are amazing, you are strong and powerful but you will never really know that unless you see your strength apart from others. It has to come from within. While you’re thanking God for every person He has divinely placed in your life, remember it is through the help of God that nothing is impossible for you.

Prayer: Father, thank You for speaking into my heart by Your Holy Spirit. My inability only confirms Your supernatural ability. What I feel I can’t do, Your strength will help me do it. Thank You for encouraging my soul. Help me never forget where my true strength lie. In Jesus name, Amen.

Daughters of the King Devotional

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