Thursday, September 18, 2014

There's More

This devotional hit home for me.

There are just day's and sometimes weeks I ask myself: is this it?

Reading Joyce Meyer's devotional today gave me some hope and a new outlook and I wanted to pass it along.

God Bless.

There’s More
by Joyce Meyer - posted September 18, 2014

For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with good.
—Psalm 107:9

Have you ever done everything you knew to do as a Christian, yet found yourself thinking, Is this it? Is this all there is? Have you tried to be "a good Christian," but wondered if there's a new level of fullness, if there's more to loving God and receiving His love for you than you are currently experiencing?

I spent many years as a believer just going through the motions of serving God. in my heart I felt that something was missing from my relationship with Him, though I didn't know what it was. God had done many wonderful things for me, but my life was frustrating and not really much different from the lives of those I knew were not Christians. At the same time, I could not believe life as a Christian was meant to feel so meaningless and empty at times.

I finally asked God to give me whatever I was missing and God gave me the answer! I learned that growing in the knowledge of who God is and seeking intimate fellowship with Him is a vital necessity of being deeply satisfied and joyful in life. intimate fellowship with God releases His power to help us accomplish what He has called us to do.

When Christ made the final atonement for our sins, God immediately invited us into the holy place of His presence. God wants us to come close to Him and see that His attitude is filled with love toward us. We can now enjoy intimate fellowship with God!

Love God Today: "Lord, teach me how to enjoy intimate fellowship with You."

From the book Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2011 by Joyce Meyer

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