Monday, March 9, 2015

A Christian Virtue

Are you like me in the fact that you can't stand how some people behave and yet your still suppose to love them all the while thinking, "yeah right!" Which causes you to have doubts about yourself and your salvation and thoughts about how you let God down?

Here is a devotional that will hopefully help put every thing into perspective and settle how you feel towards others without feeling like your a failure.

God Bless.

A Christian Virtue

I am being very frank about this, and I hope I am being helpful: do not ever say you are not right with God because you like some people better than others!

I believe you can be right with God and still not like the way some people behave. It is easy to love those who are the friendly; others rub us the wrong way or perhaps they cut us down.

The writer to the Hebrews has appealed to us as Christian believers to "let brotherly love continue"—in other words, "never stop loving one another in the Lord." Here is what I have found: it is possible to love people in the Lord even though you may not like their boorish or distasteful human traits. We still love them for Jesus' sake!

Yes, I believe you can be right with God and still not like the way some people behave. Our admonition is to love them in a larger and more comprehensive way because we are all one in Christ Jesus. This kind of love is indeed a Christian virtue!

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