Thursday, March 19, 2015

During Those Dark Times of Life

Need encouragement during the dark times in which life can be brutal?

Here is a little devotional I'm not sure where I came acrossed it but let it encourage us all to keep the faith and walk and talk the talk and lift ourselves up out of the issues of life and carry on in victory!

God Bless.

During those dark times of life when you cry out like Jesus did on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” there are three very important things you must tell yourself:

God is good, God is for me, and God is with me. The storms of life at times seem unbearable. We have to take ourselves from a place where it feels like God is nowhere to be found in this darkness, to truly believing these three things. We get to this place by holding on to a God that is unchangeable. The question you need to ask yourself today—especially if you’re in the midst of a dark time in your life—is do you truly trust God?

As you read today’s Scriptures, let God speak to you and ask Him to show you He is good, He is for you, and He is always with you, no matter the circumstance.

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