Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Balloon Blessing

This devotional is short, sweet, but full of truth. Sometimes all it takes is a little doses of truth to jump start you and pull you back into the right direction. May we find this devotional as a small wake up call.
God Bless.
Daughters of the King Daily Devotionals
Balloon Blessing
And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:31 NKJV)
The Bloomberg reported that according to a recent study, Americans can add as many as two years to the nation’s life expectancy if they stand up more often and watch fewer hours of television.
What a concept — move around and you’ll live longer! Watching the report reminded me of an illustrated sermon I did one time for children’s ministry. I grabbed an uninflated balloon from the table, blew it up real big and then let it go. Boy did they love that! They laughed hysterically as they watched this balloon zipping around the room until it ran out of air and plopped down on the floor. It prompted everyone to want to do the same, and soon tons of balloons were riding high in the air everywhere in the room.
We need to be like these balloons, filled to the max with God’s breath, and then….. let go, to experience the ride of our lives! And…equally important, we need to recognize when we’re running out of air — when we’re deflated and depleted of His power and anointing. Then we need to run back to Him for more, because receiving the infilling of the Spirit is not a single event, but a lifetime of repeated refillings, so that we aren’t living or serving in our own strength.
The Lord hasn’t entrusted us with His power to sit around and watch TV — but to activate us for the work of the Gospel, and the blessing of the saints; to do great things for Him in the power of His Spirit wherever He may take us. Let’s be filled again today! Ask, seek, knock, read, worship, meditate on His promises, get FILLED — you don’t want to sit idly watching life pass you by…. do you?
Prayer: Father, I ask that you fill me up to overflowing with your Spirit. I want to filled to the max with all that is YOU. Deplete me of anything that is not right, true, or praise worthy. I want you power and anointing. I receive your joy, power, and strength today.

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