Tuesday, March 10, 2015

God is in the Business of Lifting Up Those Who Are Low

For several years I have felt so low and so unworthy and just wondered what it is all about. I've been through so much in life and I've often wondered "is this what life is about?"

There has been times when I thought I wouldn't make it to the next day let alone the next hour. I've often wondered if God had deserted me on this planet called earth forever.

Yet after reading this devotional, I realize I can ony go up from here. Hopefully this devotional will be the very answer someone will need to make it and realize you are not alone.

God Bless.

God is in the Business of Lifting Up Those Who Are Low

Proverbs 29:14
If a king judges the poor with fairness, his throne will be established forever.

Jesus chose to handle a bunch of ragamuffins with grace, mercy, and offered a hope for redemption. This is an example for kings, princes, leaders, and presidents of our time, and all times.

The poor is not the only consideration for those who lead nations of people, however, it most certainly cannot be ignored. God is in the business of lifting up those who are low, and bringing down those who feel they are too high to be bothered with the poor.

Verse courtesy of 'Proverb-A-Day' android app.

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