Monday, March 2, 2015

The Challenge

Oh Lord how to take this devotional to heart! I need to get it deep down in my soul tat God desires a relationship with me and that He cares and He sees what is going on in my life and the only thing He requires is I forgive myself and others of their wrong doing which is easier said than done.

When I let the sin's I committed fall away never to be picked up again and let the hurts from past, future, and present no longer have any hold on me, then my trust in Him will become stronger than anything that comes my way.

Until then, day by day, I begin my journey out of the pit of nothingness and brokenness into the light of His son Jesus Christ who can deal much better with my world better than I can.

God Bless.

Psalm 147:5-6 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.

Today the challenge is to remember the depths of the power of God, or perhaps His infinite wisdom. In His wisdom, the oppressed and humble are looked after. So, to all who feel like they are lost and broken, in despair or damaged beyond repair, know that God desires to be in relationship with you, and to see you through your situation. God will deal with whatever else is going on in your life. Come to Him as you are and receive His gift of Christ Jesus. Jesus is everything! Let bitterness and anger fall away, and let the healing Holy Spirit reside within you.

 Verse courtesy of 'Psalm-A-Day' android app.

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