Monday, March 11, 2019

In Complete Contrast

This little devotional is from the lent devotional I found and decided to dive into it.
This little devotional talks about and gives an insight in the motives of Judas while serving and dealing with Jesus.
It is short but may spark a little understanding of why Judas did what he did and while you are looking at his motives, maybe you might start to see you may have the same tendencies as he did. I know this is what happened to me. It wasn't any one thing but just like a huh, well that makes sense or I never looked at it like that before.
In my experience when you have those huh, moments are the moments God speaks to you the most. They are the nuggets that make life bareable.
God Bless.
In complete contrast to Mary from yesterday’s devotional, stands Judas. One of them is known for her extravagant worship; the other for his treacherous betrayal. Mary didn’t count the cost of worship and spent her money on expensive perfume. Judas, on the other hand, focused on counting his thirty pieces of silver. One was sold out for Jesus; the other was a sell-out.  Yet, I don’t believe that Judas was motivated solely by his love of money. He was, instead, prodded by his fear of man.  All circumstances pointed to the fact that the death of Jesus was imminent. Even Jesus himself said so! Judas feared for his future and he feared for his life. The new kingdom that he was expecting Jesus to usher in was disintegrating. He focused on the power of the rulers, instead of dwelling on the power of the One who delineated authority to those rulers. He allowed the tangible to edge out the eternal.  Bringing It Home Where is my focus today? What motivates my actions? Is it fear of man or faith in God? Am I willing to put everything on the line for Jesus or am I towing the line for earthly authorities? Lean In Heavenly

Father, I know I can easily be swayed by the fear of man. I often subscribe to the false idea that people control my circumstances, rather than a sovereign, loving God. I pray that I will give you your rightful place on the throne of my life. I pray that faith – not fear – will drive my decisions. Amen
-Author Unknown

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