Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Moving God In Worship

Good to know kind of devotional. If we want more of God, then the first place to start is in our area of worship.
We need to understand it isn't about lights and showstopping stunts, and whatever but it boils down to a heart matter. So I wonder, where does our heart lie when we worship? I can't help but think, it is nowhere where it needs to be.
God Bless.

Moving God in Worship
Whenever we think of worship, we always think of how we experience God’s presence, how deeply we sense His presence, how moved we are to tears with the songs and how God ministered to us during this time of worship. For many years, I too was under this impression. It was always about me. What I could receive from His presence and how I felt after the worship determined how good the worship that particular Sunday was. But years later, as I was meditating on this, the Lord revealed to me that worship was not about how moved I felt after being in His presence, but how moved God was with my presence. God is moved when I give Him my submitted heart, my strength, my weaknesses and my failures. He is pleased when I allow His light to reflect on my life, when I see all my anxieties, my filthy self-righteousness, my failures, and allow Him to work in me through all of this. It’s not about my feeling His presence (that’s just an outcome of my worship), but rather about Him feeling my presence. True worship is the spiritual work of our heart. When we minister unto the Lord, giving Him all authority over our lives, holding nothing back, He is moved and we are ministered to and experience His glory, as a result of this submission. Beloved, the next time you enter His presence by giving Him your undivided, submitted heart, remember that God is moved by your worship and He will cover you with His feathers and you will feel the warm embrace of His love.
Prayer Father, every time I worship You, I pray that I will have the privilege of knowing that You are experiencing my presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

-Author Unknown

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