Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Best Gift Of All

I absolutely love this little devotional and the message it conveys.
In a world where hate and mistrust runs rampant, we need to find encouragement where ever we can find it. Not only should we seek encouragement for ourselves but we should also be a willing vessel to be an encourager for others who are seeking something or someone to hold on to so they might get through the times and seasons of a world gone mad.
Not only that, we need to the vessels God needs to tell His story about the greatest thing He has ever done. So let us be willing vessel to shine the light on the greatest gift ever given and the one thing that will save humanity.
God Bless.
The Best Gift of All
When Johnny realized that an omelet prepared by his wife, Tina, was saltless and slightly burnt, he yelled at her. Tina, already exhausted with the household chores, yelled back. An argument ensued. Furious, Johnny left the house, slamming the door shut. Tina cried bitterly and these tiffs went on for a while. One fine morning, Tina decided to leave. She had begun to pack her bag and march to her mum’s place, when she heard the doorbell ring. As she rushed to open the door, she saw a delivery girl with a parcel. The parcel was a handbag from a high-end designer store that she’d always wanted. In the bag was a note from Johnny, “I’m extremely sorry sweetheart, this is a very small gift given with lots of love.” Tina shed tears of joy.
The process of reconciliation had just begun. Gifts are welcomed by people the world over. They bring much joy and happiness. They have the ability to bring people together and strengthen bonds. Do you know that in Jesus, we were given the best gift ever? Romans 6:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus reconciled sinful man to a holy God, thereby providing us with eternal life. Ephesians 2:8 goes on to state, For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Freely we have been given. Freely we must give. This week, let us remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. So let us share the gift of Jesus with people around us. As we do, they will be reconciled to our Father and will experience the love, joy and peace that Jesus came to give.
Prayer Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You for the best gift that I have in You. Help me share You freely with my friends and family, that they too may enjoy Your love and joy. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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